Thursday, June 4, 2009

More update

I'm sorry, for any of you getting tired of a play by play of our days without TV. Just don't read, I guess. 

Yesterday we went with some friends to a park here in town. I'd never been. It was awesome. Benson had the time of his life (minus a little WWF wrestling on the ground with Daxton, which actually might be secretly fun for them because they do it a lot!). We left with him exhausted and I had actually had calm adult interaction for two hours. Lovely.

In the afternoon we went and signed up for the "read to me" program at the library. It's only 15min. per day so I'm excited to go next week and get his first prize. He did a great job of selecting books, he's in there alone reading now! Also, we got the schedule for story time and creative dance. I sometimes forget how awesome the FREE library is. 


Belnap Family said...

I caved this morning. It was 7:00 and I had only had 3 hours of sleep and Ethan asked me if he could watch cartoons because he was bored. I soooo didn't want the other kids to wake up, so I let him! I think we went 1 whole day!

What is free dance at the library?

Lynne said...


Should I tell you that this is only the beginning of WWF in your home? I've finally resigned myself to that fact that it's a natural boy thing & they must wrestle - even though it makes me crazy!

Krishele said...

I've got to get my act together and get over to the library to sign my kiddos up. Sounds like a great idea. I just need to motivate myself to want to take them out and corral them in a place that has no shopping carts to trap them in.