Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wedding update

The wedding plans are coming along nicely. It's maybe weird that I am so happy about someone else's wedding? But, I'm super excited about the reception location and now I can picture it all nicely. Are you intrigued? It's going to be held in a large greenhouse. Mmmmm...
The engagement pictures are also in and so I'll pat my friend Kelly's back once more. Love, love, them.


Kelly said...

Thanks Kim! I am just getting it ready to burn and bring it to you tomorrow. I forgot to add how much squealing went on from the people behind the camera during the photoshoot over how cute they were! Good times!

Coila said...

Oooh, those pictures are really cool!

Kristine said...

Thanks for being so excited, it makes me more excited. I still need to call the greenhouse and tell them to write us down. I also need to call the printer and get an appointment to go see him, so get all your good announcement ideas ready. And there is always losing 5 more pounds to think about... as of today i only have 100 more days!