Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tough reality

I'd like to say more of this was going on lately. 
But, reality is always much messier for me. 
I probably should be cleaning. 
I probably should want to clean.
I really shouldn't post a picture of my house looking this way.

As much as I hate the mess, I don't hate what I spent my time doing instead of cleaning today. 
I often wish I'd rather clean than lounge around with a coughing toddler. I just don't. I just love the snotty kid so much. 


Kristine said...

You gotta love the ear protection!

Rachel said...

I'm glad you posted that picture. It reminds me of a story my RS president told. She said that she used to visit teach a lady who had a house that was always immaculate. One Monday morning that lady showed up to my RS president's house and her house was a mess. She was so embarrassed and apologized to her for the messy house. The other lady started crying and said something to the affect of don't apologize for your messy house--that she spent spent all her kids childhood making sure her house was clean that she missed out on having fun with her kids while they were young. Anyway, I loved that story--it really put things in perspective for me.

So...way to focus on the more important things in life--your little Benson.

Margaret said...

You should have not mentioned the mess and highlighted the awesome shelf of pictures above the couch!

Krishele said...

"Should" is always such a troublesome word. I'm trying to learn to allow some mess for a while and do the things that I'd rather do instead of cleaning. Seems we've got the opposite problem...can't there just be a happy medium?!?

Personally, I think you have the better end of the whole deal though. Being a clean freak sucks!