Monday, June 8, 2009


The other day I was having a chat with a friend of mine and she asked me if I thought she was successful. Tough question. Really, it depends on your definition of success. 
I answered something at the time, but it did get me thinking. What does it take to be successful? How do I know when I'm there?
Since, I'm a stay at home Mother and currently in the no TV month trying to improve my relationship and skills, my definition of success is probably very different than most of the world. I really value balance. I think the ultimate success is being good at all the different roles, and finding a way to juggle those. 
My husband added something to this definition that I think is valuable. Someone should be deemed successful if they are doing well at fulfilling the roles THEY deem important. I can't judge someone's priorities. 
So, I continue trying hard at what I think is important. I really do think raising Benson well is priceless. I also believe that cutting the TV cord is helping in this. I know it's just one thing, but I feel that there is a better balance without it. And though it may only be true to me, I feel successful after a week without the crutch of it.


antimony said...

Personally I've always thought you were successful. I envy your apparent level-ness. Also, by your/Rob's definition, if Benson is what you deem important, than I think you're doing stellar!!

Lynne said...

I think it's important to not determine success by the views of the world. If we are living our lives as we should & continually trying to improve - that is what I determine success to be. Not giving up & not needing the approval of others to determine my own success.

Also, can you e-mail me a pic of your family that you like for your pay it forward gift?


Steph said...

that's a good way of describing it! Props on keeping going with your no TV month, it sounds like it's really making a difference!

Krishele said...

Hey any mom that vows no TV for a month and handles it without killing that's successful!